alatan rumah bahasa Inggris
- rumah: home; homestead; house; kip; houses; place; house
- alatan astronomi: astronomical instruments
- bar alatan: toolbar
- jig (alatan): jig (tool)
- tunas-alatan: tool-stub
- alatan hukuman mati: execution methods
- kedai alatan kanabis: head shop
- sistem pendaratan alatan: instrument landing system
- rumah: home; homestead; house; kip; houses; place; house building; harbourage; squat; block of flats; habitation; shell; resto; residences; mobile home; accommodation unit; residential house; accommodation
- dari rumah ke rumah: house to house
- jejeran rumah-rumah: row house
- rumah-rumah di auvers: houses at auvers
- rumah-rumah filter: filter-box
- rumah-rumah katup regulator: governor valve-box
- rumah-rumah kemudi: wheel-house